Retention of selenium by calcium aluminate hydrate (AFm) phases under strongly-reducing radioactive waste repository conditions


Rojo H.12345,Scheinost A. C.678910ORCID,Lothenbach B.1112133,Laube A.123,Wieland E.123,Tits J.123ORCID


1. Paul Scherrer Institut

2. Laboratory for Waste Management

3. Switzerland

4. Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal

5. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

6. The Rossendorf Beamline at ESRF

7. Grenoble

8. France and Institute of Resource Ecology

9. Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

10. Dresden

11. Laboratory for Concrete and Construction Chemistry

12. Empa

13. Dübendorf


Strong Se(-ii) sorption mainly in the interlayer of hemicarbonate (AFm-HC). Weak Se(-ii) sorption restricted to sorption sites on the surface of monocarbonate (AFm-MC).


German Federal Ministry for Education and Research


Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)


Inorganic Chemistry

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