1. Beijing Key Laboratory of Farmland Soil Pollution Prevention and Remediation
2. Key Laboratory of Plant-Soil Interactions of Ministry of Education
3. College of Resources and Environmental Sciences
4. China Agricultural University
5. Beijing 100193
6. Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence
7. University of York
8. Heslington
9. UK
10. College of Pharmacy
11. Dharwad
12. India
13. Institute for Agricultural Engineering
14. University of Hohenheim
15. 70599 Stuttgart
16. Germany
17. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
18. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
19. Hong Kong
20. China
21. Illinois Sustainable Technology Center
22. Prairie Research Institute
23. University of Illinois
24. Champaign
25. USA
26. State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse
27. School of the Environment
28. Nanjing University
29. Nanjing 210093