1. Biomacromolecular Systems and Processes (IBI-4), Research Centre Jülich, 52425 Jülich, Germany
2. Laboratory for Soft Matter and Biophysics, KU Leuven, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
3. Ernst-Ruska Centre for Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Electrons (ER-C-3 Structural Biology), Research Centre Jülich, 52425 Jülich, Germany
4. AG Biophysik, I. Physikalisches Institut (IA), RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, Germany
5. Central Institute of Engineering, Electronics and Analytics (ZEA-1), Research Centre Jülich, 52425 Jülich, Germany
6. Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-1), Research Centre Jülich, 52425 Jülich, Germany
7. Institute of Computer Science, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany
8. Helmholtz AI, Research Centre Jülich, 52425 Jülich, Germany