1. DEFRA , Joint agency investigation into Teesside and Yorkshire Coast Crab and Lobster mortalities , Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs , London , 2022 , May. 16, available from: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1082129/Joint_agency_investigation_into_Teesside_and_Yorkshire_Coast_Crab_and_Lobster_mortalities.pdf
2. T.Deere-Jones , Mass Mortality of marine species along N.E coast of England: (2nd Report) updated review of relevant data provided by DEFRA agencies and others , Briefing Paper to Whitby Commercial Fishing Association , 2022 , Mar, available from: https://whitbylobsterhatchery.co.uk/storage/pdf/NEFC-MASS-MORTALITY-REPORT-TDJ-(MARCH-2022).pdf
3. The Guardian , The dead shellfish littering our beaches tell you a lot about safety and secrecy in Britain , The Guardian , 2022 Jun 6, available from: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jun/06/dead-shellfish-beaches-safety-secrecy-britain
4. The Times , Cover-up claim over shellfish mass deaths off Teesside , The Times , 2023 Jan 14, available from: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/cover-up-claim-over-shellfish-mass-deaths-off-teesside-2l7lpczjd
5. The Times , DEFRA won't dredge up truth about toxic seas , The Times . 2023 Jan 23, available from: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/defra-wont-dredge-up-truth-about-toxic-seas-fzc38sqd5