Cantharellus cibarius Fr./Cantharellus subalbidius/Cantharellus lateritius Singer (Chanterelle)


de Carvalho Cruz Rosana12,Sheashea Mohamed3


1. aCollege of Dentistry, Faculdade Padre Arnaldo Janssen, Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil

2. bLaboratório de Bioengenharia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil

3. cMedicinal and Aromatic Plants Department, Desert Research Center, Cairo, Egypt


Mushrooms of the genus Cantharellus sp. belong to Basidiomycota, class: Agaricomycetes; order: Cantharellales; family: Cantharellaceae. Cantharellus cibarius (C. cibarius, known as chanterelle) is a fungus known for its characteristic strong earthy flavor. It is considered to be difficult to grow, but under specific and controlled conditions (temperature, pH sources of carbon and nitrogen) its cultivation in the laboratory is possible. This fungus is distributed in different geographic regions, such as America, Asia, and Europe. They are considered to be good suppliers of different types of essential biomolecules and various types of microelements, which is why the interest in the food industry has increased. Different types of C. cibarius biomolecules, especially polysaccharides, have pharmacological potential, exhibiting immunostimulant, anticancer, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties. In addition, they are considered to be good indicators for monitoring environmental pollution, such as the detection of the presence of heavy metals, radioactive substances, and misuse of pesticides. Cantharellus sp. still need more comparative phylogenetic studies and the morphological characterization of its structures. New species are discovered all the time. The economic and cultural importance of this fungus demonstrate that its consumption and research related to its different applicability will only tend to grow.


Royal Society of Chemistry







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