1. Center for Solid State Physics and New Materials
2. Institute of Physics Belgrade
3. University of Belgrade
4. Pregrevica 118
5. 11080 Belgrade
6. Unidade Acadêmica do Cabo de Santo Agostinho
7. Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
8. Cabo do Santo Agostinho
9. Brazil
10. Department of Physical and Chemical Sciences
11. University of L’Aquila
12. Via Vetoio
13. 67100 Coppito L'Aquila
14. Italy
15. Instituto de Física de São Carlos
16. Universidade de São Paulo
17. São Carlos
18. Center of Chemistry
19. Institute of Chemistry
20. Technology and Metallurgy
21. Njegoševa 12
22. Faculty of Chemistry
23. Studentski trg 12-16
24. 11000 Belgrade
25. Serbia
26. Faculty of Pharmacy
27. Vojvode Stepe 450
28. 11221 Belgrade