1. M. L. Dietz , J. A.Dzielawa, M. P.Jensen, J. V.Beitz and M.Borkowski, in Ionic Liquids IIIB: Fundamentals, Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities, ed. R. D. Rogers and K. R. Seddon, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC., 2005, vol. 902, pp. 2–18
2. EXAFS Investigations of the Mechanism of Facilitated Ion Transfer into a Room-Temperature Ionic Liquid
3. M. L. Dietz , M. P.Jensen, J. V.Beitz and J. A.Dzielawa, in Hydrometallurgy 2003-Fifth international Conference in Honor of Professor Ian Ritchie-Vol. 1: Leaching and Solution Purification, ed. C. A. Young, A. M. Alfantazi, C. G. Anderson, D. B. Dreisinger, B. Harris and A. James, TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), Vancouver, BC, 2003, pp. 929–939
4. Influence of solvent structural variations on the mechanism of facilitated ion transfer into room-temperature ionic liquids