1. Department of Materials Chemistry
2. Faculty of Science and Technology
3. Ryukoku University
4. Otsu
5. Japan
6. Department of Chemistry
7. School of Science
8. Tokyo Institute of Technology
9. Tokyo 152-8551
10. Materials Characterization Laboratory
11. Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation 1000
12. Yokohama 227-8502
13. Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute
14. Hyogo 679-5198
15. Department of Chemistry and Research Center for Smart Molecules
16. Rikkyo University
17. Tokyo 171-8501
18. Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science
19. Tokyo 192-0392
20. Nakamura Laboratory
21. RIKEN Cluster for Science, Technology and Innovation Hub
22. Saitama 351-0198
23. Stratingh Institute for Chemistry
24. University of Groningen
25. 9747 AG Groningen
26. The Netherlands