1. Department of Applied Physics and Quantum Phase Electronics Center (QPEC)
2. University of Tokyo
3. Tokyo 113-8656
4. Japan
5. Division of Materials Physics
6. Department of Physics
7. Institute of Materials Structure Science
8. High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
9. Tsukuba
11. Japan Science and Technology Agency
12. Kawaguchi
13. Research and Services Division of Materials Data and Integrated System (MaDIS)
14. National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
15. Ibaraki
16. Institute for Solid State Physics
17. Kyushu Synchrotron Light Research Center
18. Tosu
19. Chiba 277-8581
20. Department of Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology
21. Okayama University of Science
22. Okayama 700-0005