1. College of Energy
2. Xiamen University
3. Xiamen 361005
4. China
5. Beijing Key Laboratory of Microstructure and Properties of Solids
6. Institute of Microstructure and Properties of Advanced Materials
7. Beijing University of Technology
8. Beijing 100124
9. Department of Chemical Engineering
10. Institute for Materials Research and Innovation
11. University of Louisiana at Lafayette
12. Lafayette
13. USA
14. State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering College of Chemistry Beijing University of Chemical Technology
15. Beijing 100029
16. XTC New Energy Materials (Xiamen) Co., Ltd
17. Xiamen 361026
18. Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering
19. Chinese Academy of Sciences
20. Ningbo 315201
21. State Key Lab of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surface
22. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering