1. Department of Chemical Engineering
2. Imperial College London
3. London SW7 2AZ
4. UK
5. School of Chemical Engineering
6. Department of Experimental Physics
7. Nuclear Research Center
8. Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority
9. Cairo 11865
10. Egypt
11. Department of Medicine
12. Bioelectronics and Biodevices (C3Bio) and Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering
13. University of Bath
14. Bath BA2 7AY
15. The Western Eye Hospital
16. Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
17. London, NW1 5QH
18. School of Life and Health Sciences
19. Aston University
20. Birmingham, B4 7ET
21. University of Birmingham
22. Birmingham B15 2TT
23. Department of Mechanical Engineering
24. Khalifa University
25. Abu Dhabi 127788
26. United Arab Emirates
27. Division of Biomedical Engineering
28. School of Engineering
29. University of Glasgow
30. Glasgow G12 8LT