1. Aluminum Leaching Response to Acid Precipitation: Effects on High-Elevation Watersheds in the Northeast
2. W. Dickson , in The Ecological Impact of Acid Precipitation, Proceedings of International Conference, Norway, 1980, eds. Drabløs, D., and Tollan, A., SNSF, Aas, 1980, pp. 75–83.
3. Aluminum toxicity to fish in acidic waters
4. I. P. Muniz , and H.Leivestad, in The Ecological Impact of Acid Precipitation, Proceedings of International Conference, Norway, 1980, eds. Drablø D., and Tollan, A., SNSF, Aas, 1980, pp. 84–92.
5. Use of an aluminium-26 tracer to study the deposition of aluminium species on fish gills following mixing of limed and acidic waters