1. Department of Chemistry
2. Graduate School of Science
3. Kobe University
4. Kobe 657-8501
5. Japan
6. Research Institute of Electrochemical Energy
7. Department of Energy and Environment
8. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
9. Osaka 563-8577
10. Department of Applied Chemistry and Bioengineering
11. Graduate School of Engineering
12. Osaka City University
13. Osaka 558-8585
14. Advanced Research Institute for Natural Science and Technology
15. Department of Chemical Biology and Applied Chemistry
16. College of Engineering
17. Nihon University
18. Fukushima 963-8642
19. Institute for Catalysis
20. Hokkaido University
21. Sapporo 001-0021
22. Department of Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology
23. Chiba University
24. Chiba 263-8522