1. J. P. Rupert , W.T.Granquist and T. J.Pinnavaia, in Chemistry of Clays and Clay Minerals, ed. A. C. D. Newman, Longman Scientific & Technical, London, 1987, ch. 6
2. H. Laudelout , in Chemistry of Clays and Clay Minerals, ed. A. C. D. Newman, Longman Scientific & Technical, London, 1987, ch. 4
3. Interaction between Organic and Inorganic Pollutants in the Clay Interlayer
4. The novel use of ion exchange materials as an aid to reclaiming derelict mining land
5. T. J. Pinnavaia and G. W.Beall, Polymer-Clay Nanocomposites, Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 2000