1. Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
2. Medical University of Vienna
3. 1090 Vienna
4. Austria
5. Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (Leibniz-IPHT)
6. Jena
7. Germany
8. Gisela and Erwin Sick Chair of Micro-optics
9. Department of Microsystems Engineering
10. University of Freiburg
11. Freiburg
12. Department of Urology
13. Copenhagen University
14. Herlev
15. Denmark
16. Department of Pathology
17. Technical University of Denmark
18. Department of Health Technology (DTU Health Tech)
19. DK-2800
20. Kgs. Lyngby
21. Institute of Physical Chemistry
22. Friedrich Schiller University Jena
23. University of Applied Sciences-Jena
24. Department of Medical Engineering and Biotechnology