1. A comprehensive review of the evolving and cumulative nature of eco-innovation in the chemical industry
2. Sustainable polymers from renewable resources
3. Old Efforts at New Uses: A Brief History of Chemurgy and the American Search for Biobased Materials
4. L. C. Speight , Bio-Based Feedstocks for Adhesives and Sealants: Everything Old is New Again, available at: https: //www.adhesivesmag.com/articles/93912-bio-based-feedstocks-for-adhesives-and-sealants-everything-old-is-new-again , accessed 1 November 2018
5. D. Grago , Biobasierte Beschichtungen: Nachhaltigkeit 2.0, available at: https: //www.farbeundlack.de/Wissenschaft-Technik/Rohstoffe/Biobasierte-Beschichtungen-Nachhaltigkeit-2.0