1. State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials
2. Center for Advanced Low-Dimension Materials
3. College of Materials Science and Engineering
4. Donghua University
5. Shanghai 201620
6. Department of Polymer Science
7. College of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
8. The University of Akron
9. Akron
10. USA
11. Key Laboratory of Polymer Chemistry & Physics of Ministry of Education
12. Center for Soft Matter Science and Engineering
13. College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering
14. Peking University
15. Beijing 100871
16. School of Materials Science and Engineering
17. Baise University
18. Baise 533000
19. P. R. China
20. South China Advanced Institute of Soft Matter Science and Technology
21. School of Molecular Science and Engineering
22. South China University of Technology
23. Guangzhou 510640