1. Laboratory of Nanostructured Multifunctional Materials
2. Federal University of São Carlos
3. São Carlos
4. Brazil
5. Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences
6. São Paulo State University
7. Rio Claro
8. Institute of Physics
9. Federal University of Goiás
10. Goiânia
11. Institute of Chemistry
12. Federal University of Uberlândia
13. Uberlândia
14. Institute of Physics of São Carlos
15. University of São Paulo
17. Physical and Mathematics Institute (IFM)
18. Universidade Federal de Pelotas
19. Pelotas
20. Center for Development of Functional Materials
21. Departamento Química-Física y Analítica
22. Universitat Jaume I
23. Castelló E-12080
24. Spain