1. Department of Physiology
2. School of Basic Medical Sciences
3. Shenzhen University Health Sciences Center
4. Shenzhen 518060
5. China
6. Department of Fiber & Composite Material
7. Polymer Biomaterial Lab
8. Feng Chia University
9. Taichung 40724
10. Taiwan
11. School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
12. Nanyang Technological University
13. Singapore 639798
14. Singapore
15. Key Laboratory of Optoelectronics Devices and Systems of Ministry of Education/Guangdong Province
16. College of Optoelectronic Engineering
17. Shenzhen University
18. P. R. China
19. Laboratory of Chemical Genomics
20. School of Chemical Biology & Biotechnology
21. Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School
22. Shenzhen 518055