Emerging investigator series: use of behavioural endpoints in the regulation of chemicals


Ågerstrand Marlene1234ORCID,Arnold Kathryn5678,Balshine Sigal9101112,Brodin Tomas1314154,Brooks Bryan W.1617181920ORCID,Maack Gerd21222324,McCallum Erin S.1314154ORCID,Pyle Greg25262712,Saaristo Minna28293031,Ford Alex T.3233348ORCID


1. Department of Environmental Science (ACES)

2. Stockholm University

3. Stockholm

4. Sweden

5. Department of Environment and Geography

6. University of York

7. York

8. UK

9. Department of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour

10. McMaster University

11. Hamilton

12. Canada

13. Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies

14. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)

15. Umeå

16. Department of Environmental Science

17. Institute of Biomedical Studies

18. Baylor University

19. Waco

20. USA

21. Department of Pharmaceuticals

22. German Environment Agency (UBA)

23. Dessau

24. Germany

25. Department of Biological Sciences

26. University of Lethbridge

27. Lethbridge

28. School of Biological Sciences

29. Monash University

30. Victoria

31. Australia

32. Institute of Marine Sciences

33. University of Portsmouth

34. Portsmouth


Suggestion for how the use of behavioral endpoints can improve in environmental risk assessment of chemicals.


Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)


Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Environmental Chemistry,General Medicine

Reference131 articles.

1. J. F. Postma and C. M.Keijzers , Behavior as response parameter a literature review on the relevance for population sustainability , Ecofide , 2014 , http://www.ecofide.nl/uploads/files/2014-behavior_as_response_parameter-_final_report.pdf

2. Zebrafish as an emerging model for studying complex brain disorders

3. Behaviour revised: Contaminant effects on aquatic animal behaviour

4. Aquatic Behavioral Ecotoxicology—Prospects and Limitations

5. Behaviour revised: Contaminant effects on aquatic animal behaviour








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