1. IRDS 2020: International Roadmap for Devices and Systems 2020 Edition: Beyond CMOS , https://irds.ieee.org/editions/2021/beyond-cmos , 2020 , accessed 27 July 2021
2. IRDS 2020: International Roadmap for Devices and Systems 2020 Edition: Executive Summary , https://irds.ieee.org/editions/2020/executive-summary , accessed 27 July 2021
3. IRDS 2021: International Roadmap for Devices and Systems 2021 Edition: More than Moore White Paper , https://irds.ieee.org/editions/2020/more-than-moore , 2020 , accessed 27 July 2021
4. Multidimensional materials and device architectures for future hybrid energy storage
5. Low-k dielectric materials