1. Equivalent Circuit Model for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells Operating at Different Temperatures and Irradiance
2. On the impact of solar spectral irradiance on the yield of different PV technologies
3. Socio-economic Study to Improve the Electrical Sustainability of the North Tower of Instituto Superior Técnico
4. C. A. F. Fernandes , J. P. N.Torres , M.Morgado and J. A. P.Morgado , Aging of solar PV plants and mitigation of their consequences , 2016 IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference , PEMC , Varna , 2016 , pp. 1240–1247
5. C. A. F. Fernandes , J. P. N.Torres , J.Gomes , P. J. C.Branco and S. K.Nashih , Stationary solar concentrating photovoltaic-thermal collector — Cell string layout , 2016 IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference , PEMC , Varna , 2016 , pp. 1275–1282