1. N. Lannen , 2010. Scottish and Southern Energy presentation. http://kn.theiet.org/communities/powersys/resources/presentations/pumped-storage-proposals.cfm?type = pdf [Accessed 4/8/11]
2. DUKES 2010, Digest of United Kingdom energy statistics 2010. Electricity generated and supplied, 1970 to 2009 (DUKES 5.1.3) URL http://www.decc.gov.uk/
3. J. Cox , 2010. Implications of intermittency. Pöyry, Oxford, UK. http://www.ilexenergy.com/pages/Documents/Other/Poyryarticle_New%20Power%208.pdf [Accessed 4/8/11]
4. Renewables and the grid: understanding intermittency
5. Market behaviour with large amounts of intermittent generation