1. Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, University of Trento, Trento, Italy
2. Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research/Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, 00014, Finland
3. Sustainable Development and Energy Sources, Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico SpA, Milan, Italy
4. Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD), IPSL, École Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, ENS, PSL Research University, Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Palaiseau, France
5. Center Agriculture Food Environment – C3A, University of Trento, Trento, Italy
6. Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, National Research Council of Italy (ISAC-CNR), 40129 Bologna, Italy
7. Department of Environmental Science and Bolin Centre for Climate Research, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
8. Finnish Meteorological Institute, Erik Palménin aukio 1, 00560 Helsinki, Finland
9. European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), 21027 Ispra, Italy
10. Department of Physical and Chemical Sciences, University of L'Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy
11. Center of Excellence in Telesensing of Environment and Model Prediction of Severe Events (CETEMPS), University of L'Aquila, 67100 L'Aquila, Italy