1. A. Tek , B.Laurent, M.Piuzzi, Z.Lu, M.Baaden, O.Delalande, M.Chavent, N.Ferey, C.Martin, L.Piccinali, B.Katz, P.Bourdot, and L.Autin, Advances in Human–Protein Interaction – Interactive And Immersive Molecular Simulations, in Protein Interactions – Computational and Experimental Tools/Book 2, ed. W. Cai and H. Hong, Intech, Croatia, 2012
2. Immersive Molecular Visualization and Interactive Modeling with Commodity Hardware
3. Haptic applications for molecular structure manipulation
4. Accessible haptic technology for drug design applications
5. Haptic-driven applications to molecular modeling: state-of-the-art and perspectives