1. Pharmaceutics Research Center
2. Institute of Neuropharmacology
3. Kerman University of Medical Sciences
4. Kerman
5. Iran
6. BioMatter unit-Biomass transformation Lab (BTL)
7. École interfacultaire de Bioingénieurs (EIB)
8. École polytechnique de Bruxelles
9. Université Libre de Bruxelles
10. 1050 Brussels
11. Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute (EPRI)
12. Cairo
13. Egypt
14. Department of Environmental Science
15. Central University of Kerala
16. Kasaragod 671316
17. India
18. Department of Pharmacology
19. School of Medicine
20. Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
21. Tehran
22. Molecular Plant Physiology
23. Department of Biology
24. Faculty of Sciences
25. Utrecht University
26. 3584 CH Utrecht
27. Department of Botany
28. Karnatak University
29. Dharwad 580003
30. Department of Biological Sciences
31. Biotechnology Centre
32. Covenant University
33. Canaanland, Ota
34. Nigeria
35. Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding
36. College of Agriculture
37. Isfahan University of Technology
38. Isfahan-8415683111
39. Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN
40. Unidad Irapuato
41. 36824 Irapuato
42. Mexico
43. Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
44. Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
45. Isfahan
46. Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials
47. Department of Physical Chemistry
48. Faculty of Science
49. Palacký University in Olomouc
50. 783 71 Olomouc