1. Innovative Centre for Flexible Devices (iFLEX)
2. School of Materials Science and Engineering
3. Nanyang Technological University
4. Singapore
5. Department of Materials Science and Engineering
6. Northwestern University
7. Evanston
8. USA
9. Center for Bio-Integrated Electronics
10. Bertarelli Foundation Chair in Neuroprosthetic Technology
11. Laboratory for Soft Bioelectronic Interfaces
12. Institute of Microengineering
13. Institute of Bioengineering
14. Centre for Neuroprosthetics
15. Tianjin Key Laboratory of Molecular Optoelectronic Science
16. Department of Chemistry
17. School of Science
18. Tianjin University & Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemical Science and Engineering (Tianjin)
19. Tianjin 300072
20. Center for Nanoparticle Research
21. Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
22. Seoul 08826
23. Republic of Korea
24. Institute of Chemical Processing (ICP)