1. State Key Laboratory of Bio-Fibers and Eco-Textiles
2. Qingdao University
3. Qingdao 266071
4. P. R. China
5. College of Physics
6. University Industry Joint Center for Ocean Observation and Broadband Communication
7. Division of Materials Science
8. Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics
9. Luleå University of Technology
10. 971 87 Luleå
11. Sweden
12. Dipartimento di Fisica & Dipartimento di Energia
13. Politecnico di Milano
14. via G. Ponzio 34/3 and IFN-CNR, piazza L. da Vinci 32
15. 20133 Milano
16. Italy
17. College of Textiles & Clothing
18. State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures
19. Wuhan University of Technology
20. Wuhan 430070