1. USGA-United States Government Accountability Office, Livestock market reporting, site: HTTP://WWW.GAO.GOV/NEW.ITEMS/D06202.PDF. United States Accountability Office, Washington D.C., (assessed June 26, 2010)
2. Addressing Externalities From Swine Production to Reduce Public Health and Environmental Impacts
3. Illinois Environment Protection Agency. Reporting requirements for livestock waste release in Illinois, site. http://www.epa.state.il.u/watershed/forms/livestorck-waste.pdf. Indianapolis, IN, (assessed May 18, 2009)
4. Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Indiana confined feeding regulation program, site. http://www.in.gov/idem/files/cfomanual.pdf. Indianapolis, IN, (assessed May 19, 2009)
5. Kewaunee County University of Wisconsin-Extension. Kewaunee county manure spill response guide, site. www.uwex.edu/ces/cty/kewaunee/ag/kewauneecoundtymanurespillresponseguide.html. Madison, WI, (assessed May 19, 2009)