1. Chemistry Research Laboratory
2. Department of Chemistry
3. University of Oxford
4. Oxford OX1 3TA
5. UK
6. Institut für Kernphysik
7. Goethe-Universität
8. 60438 Frankfurt am Main
9. Germany
10. Stanford PULSE Institute
11. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
12. Menlo Park
13. USA
14. Chemistry, University of Southampton
15. Southampton SO17 1BJ
16. QST
17. SPring-8
18. Sayo
19. Japan
20. Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials
21. Tohoku University
22. Sendai
23. UVSOR Synchrotron Facility
24. Institute for Molecular Science
25. Okazaki 444-8585
26. Department of Physics and Astronomy
27. University of Turku
28. Turku
29. Finland
30. Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
31. 22607 Hamburg
32. School of Physical Science and Technology
33. ShanghaiTech University
34. Shanghai
35. China
36. Department of Physics
37. Kyoto University
38. Kyoto
39. RIKEN SPring-8 Center
40. J. R. Macdonald Laboratory
41. Kansas State University
42. Manhattan