Base or nucleophile? DFT finally elucidates the origin of the selectivity between the competitive reactions triggered by MeLi or LDA on propanal


Marchois J.12345,Fressigné C.12345,Lecachey B.12345,Maddaluno J.12345


1. Laboratoire COBRA

2. CNRS UMR 6014 & FR 3038

3. Université de Rouen and INSA de Rouen

4. 76821-Mont St Aignan Cedex

5. France


Why is LDA such a good base while MeLi is mainly a nucleophile? This communication presents a DFT theoretical study comparing side by side the mechanistic pathways followed during the deprotonation and nucleophilic addition of these two reagents, solvated by THF, onto propanal.


Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)


Materials Chemistry,Metals and Alloys,Surfaces, Coatings and Films,General Chemistry,Ceramics and Composites,Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials,Catalysis

Reference57 articles.

1. Synthetically Important Alkali-Metal Utility Amides: Lithium, Sodium, and Potassium Hexamethyldisilazides, Diisopropylamides, and Tetramethylpiperidides

2. Lithium Diisopropylamide-Mediated Ortholithiation of 2-Fluoropyridines: Rates, Mechanisms, and the Role of Autocatalysis

3. Preparation, Properties, and Safe Handling of Commercial Organolithiums: Alkyllithiums, Lithium sec-Organoamides, and Lithium Alkoxides

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5. This explains that non-basic nucleophilic reactants such as the organochromiums have drawn a lot of attention. See: K.Takai, in Comprehensive Organic Synthesis, ed. G. A. Molander and P. Knochel, Elsevier, Oxford, 2nd edn, 2014, vol. 1, pp. 159–203

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