A new perspective on global renewable energy systems: why trade in energy carriers matters


Schmidt Johannes1234ORCID,Gruber Katharina1234ORCID,Klingler Michael12345ORCID,Klöckl Claude1234,Ramirez Camargo Luis12346ORCID,Regner Peter1234,Turkovska Olga1234ORCID,Wehrle Sebastian1234ORCID,Wetterlund Elisabeth7891011ORCID


1. Institute for Sustainable Economic Development

2. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences

3. Vienna

4. Austria

5. Department of Geography

6. Technische Hochschule Deggendorf

7. Energy Engineering

8. Division of Energy Science

9. Luleå University of Technology

10. Luleå

11. Sweden


Recent modelling studies suggest a decline of long-distance trade in energy carriers in future global renewable energy systems, compared to today's fossil based systems. In contrast, we discuss four important drivers of trade in such systems.


H2020 European Research Council


Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)


Pollution,Nuclear Energy and Engineering,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Environmental Chemistry

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