1. R. F. Phalen , in Particle Size-Selective Sampling in the Workplace, Report of the ACGIH Technical Committee on Air Sampling Procedures, ACGIH, Cincinnati, USA, 1985.
2. Nordiska Expertgruppen för Gränsvärdesdokumentation 77, ‘Trœstøv’(Nordic Expert Group Basis for an Occupational Health Standard 77, Wood Dust), Arbete och Hälsa, 1987: 36.
3. T. Hatch , and P.Gross, Pulmonary Deposition and Retention of Inhaled Particles, Academic Press, New York, 1964.
4. Experimental measurements and empirical modelling of the regional deposition of inhaled particles in humans
5. Deposition of particles in the human respiratory tract in the size range 0.005–15 μm