1. Spectroscopy of short-lived radioactive molecules
2. Prospects for assembling ultracold radioactive molecules from laser-cooled atoms
3. G.Arrowsmith-Kron , M.Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis , M.Au , J.Ballof , R.Berger , A.Borschevsky , A. A.Breier , F.Buchinger , D.Budker , L.Caldwell , C.Charles , N.Dattani , R. P.De Groote , D.DeMille , T.Dickel , J.Dobaczewski , C. E.Düllmann , E.Eliav , J.Engel , M.Fan , V.Flambaum , K. T.Flanagan , A.Gaiser , R. G.Ruiz , K.Gaul , T. F.Giesen , J.Ginges , A.Gottberg , G.Gwinner , R.Heinke , S.Hoekstra , J. D.Holt , N. R.Hutzler , A.Jayich , J.Karthein , K. G.Leach , K.Madison , S.Malbrunot-Ettenauer , T.Miyagi , I. D.Moore , S.Moroch , P.Navrátil , W.Nazarewicz , G.Neyens , E.Norrgard , N.Nusgart , L. F.Pašteka , A. N.Petrov , W.Plass , R. A.Ready , M. P.Reiter , M.Reponen , S.Rothe , M.Safronova , C.Scheidenberger , A.Shindler , J. T.Singh , L. V.Skripnikov , A. V.Titov , S.-M.Udrescu , S. G.Wilkins and X.Yang , Opportunities for fundamental physics research with radioactive molecules , 2023
4. Progress towards the FRIB-EDM3-Frontend: A tool to provide radioactive molecules from isotope harvesting for fundamental symmetry studies
5. Laser-cooled RaF as a promising candidate to measure molecular parity violation