1. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
2. The Pennsylvania State University
3. USA
4. Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences
5. Nicholas School of the Environment
6. Duke University
7. Durham
8. University of Pittsburgh
9. Pittsburgh
10. Radiation Science and Engineering Center
11. Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering
12. State Hygienic Laboratory
13. University of Iowa
14. Coralville
15. Department of Earth Sciences
16. Dartmouth College
17. Hanover
18. Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
19. University of Alberta
20. Edmonton
21. Canada
22. Department of Geology
23. The College of William & Mary
24. Williamsburg
25. Maxxam Analytics
26. Mississauga
27. Helmholtz Centre Potsdam – German Centre for Geosciences (GFZ)
28. Telegrafenberg
29. Germany
30. ACZ Laboratories, Inc.
31. Steamboat Springs
32. U.S. Geological Survey
33. Reston