1. School of Material Science and Engineering
2. Henan University of Science and Technology
3. Luoyang
4. China
5. School of Chemistry & Materials Science
6. Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Green Synthetic Chemistry for Functional Materials
7. Jiangsu Normal University
8. Xuzhou 221116
9. State Key Laboratory of Molecular Engineering of Polymers
10. Department of Macromolecular Science
11. Fudan University
12. Shanghai 200433
13. School of Materials Science and Engineering
14. Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
15. Zhenjiang 212003
16. Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Mold (Zhengzhou University)
17. Ministry of Education
18. National Engineering Research Center for Advanced Polymer Processing Technology
19. Zhengzhou University
20. Zhengzhou
21. North University of China
22. Taiyuan 030051
23. College of Materials Science and Engineering
24. Changsha University of Science and Technology
25. Changsha 410114
26. National Supercomputing Center in Shenzhen (Shenzhen Cloud Computing Center)
27. Shenzhen
28. Integrated Composites Lab (ICL)
29. Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
30. University of Tennessee
31. Knoxville
32. USA