1. Centre for the Research and Technology of Agro-Environmental and Biological Sciences (CITAB)
2. Inov4Agro
3. University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD)
4. Vila Real
5. Portugal
6. Animal and Veterinary Research Centre (CECAV)
9. Institute of Research and Advanced Training in Health Sciences and Technologies
10. Gandra
11. Department of Genetic and Biotechnology and CECAV
12. LEPABE—Laboratory for Process Engineering
13. Environment
14. Biotechnology and Energy
15. Faculty of Engineering
16. University of Porto
17. Molecular Oncology and Viral Pathology Group
18. IPO-Porto Research Center (CI-IPOP)
19. Portuguese Institute of Oncology of Porto (IPO-Porto)
20. Porto
21. Centro de Investigação de Montanha (CIMO)
22. Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
23. Campus de Santa Apolónia
24. 5300-253 Bragança