1. WestCHEM
2. Technology and Innovation Centre
3. Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry
4. University of Strathclyde
5. Glasgow G1 1RD
6. FOCAS Research Institute
7. Dublin Institute of Technology
8. Dublin 8
9. Ireland
10. VS Consulting
11. Stokesley
12. UK
13. Manchester Institute of Biotechnology (MIB)
14. University of Manchester
15. Manchester
16. Department of Chemical Engineering
17. Imperial College London
18. South Kensington Campus
19. London
20. School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences
21. University of Central Lancashire
22. Preston PR1 2HE
23. Biomedical Physics
24. School of Physics and Astronomy
25. University of Exeter
26. Exeter EX4 4QL
27. Institute for Science and Technology in Medicine
28. Keele University
29. Guy Hilton Research Centre
30. Stoke on Trent ST4 7QB