Synthesis and biological evaluation of zinc chelating compounds as metallo-β-lactamase inhibitors


Kildahl-Andersen Geir12345,Schnaars Christian12345,Prandina Anthony12345,Radix Sylvie678910ORCID,Le Borgne Marc678910ORCID,Jordheim Lars Petter811121314,Gjøen Tor15163175ORCID,Andresen Adriana Magalhães Santos15163175,Lauksund Silje181920215,Fröhlich Christopher181920215,Samuelsen Ørjan181920215ORCID,Rongved Pål12345,Åstrand Ove Alexander Høgmoen12345ORCID


1. Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

2. School of Pharmacy

3. University of Oslo

4. 0316 Oslo

5. Norway

6. EA 4446 Bioactive Molecules and Medicinal Chemistry

7. Faculté de Pharmacie – ISPB

8. Université de Lyon

9. Université Lyon 1

10. Lyon cedex 08

11. Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

12. INSERM 1052

13. CNRS UMR5286

14. Centre Léon Bérard

15. Centre for Integrative Microbial Evolution (CIME)

16. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

17. Oslo

18. Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Detection of Antimicrobial Resistance

19. Department of Microbiology and Infection Control

20. University Hospital of North Norway

21. 9038 Tromsø


New MBL inhibitor renders resistant Gram negative bacteria susceptible to carbapenems.


Universitetet i Oslo

Novo Nordisk Fonden

Norges Forskningsråd


Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)


Pharmaceutical Science,Biochemistry,Drug Discovery,Molecular Medicine,Pharmacology,Organic Chemistry

Reference35 articles.

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2. WHO , in WHO infectious disease report : Removing obstacles to healthy development , 1999

3. WHO , in The evolving threat of antimicrobial resistance : Options for action , 2012

4. WHO , in ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE Global Report on Surveillance , 2014

5. “Stormy waters ahead”: global emergence of carbapenemases







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