A case of multifunctional intermetallic compounds: negative thermal expansion coupling with magnetocaloric effect in (Gd,Ho)(Co,Fe)2


Hu Jinyu12345,Lin Kun12345,Cao Yili12345,Huang Rongjin678910ORCID,Matsukawa Takeshi11121314ORCID,Ishigaki Toru11121314,Fischer Henry E.151617,Kato Kenichi181914,Honda Takashi20212214,Ikeda Kazutaka20212214,Otomo Toshiya20212214,Ohoyama Kenji23122414,Deng Jinxia12345,Chen Jun12345ORCID,Xing Xianran12345ORCID


1. Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Materials Genome Engineering

2. Institute of Solid State Chemistry

3. Department of Physical Chemistry

4. and State Key Laboratory of Advanced Metals and Materials

5. University of Science and Technology Beijing

6. State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants

7. Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry

8. Chinese Academy of Sciences

9. Beijing

10. PR China

11. Frontier Research Center for Applied Atomic Sciences

12. Ibaraki University

13. Ibaraki 319-1106

14. Japan

15. Institut Laue-Langevin

16. 38042 Grenoble cedex 9

17. France

18. RIKEN SPring-8 Center

19. Hyogo 679-5148

20. Institute of Materials Structure Science

21. High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

22. Ibaraki 305-0801

23. Graduate School of Science and Engineering

24. Ibaraki 316-8511


The negative thermal expansion (NTE) and magnetocaloric effect (MCE) are highly correlated in (Gd,Ho)(Co,Fe)2, both of which are governed by the rare earth moment, whereas the MCE is further reinforced through an intermediate contribution from NTE.


National Natural Science Foundation of China


Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)


Inorganic Chemistry

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