1. Comparison of radiation damage in lead tungstate crystals under pion and gamma irradiation
2. LHC Injectors Upgrade. Technical Design Report , ed. J. Coupard , H. Damerau , A. Funken , R. Garoby , S. Gilardoni , B. Goddard , K. Hanke , A. Lombardi , D. Manglunki , M. Meddahi , B. Mikulec , G. Rumolo , E. Shaposhnikova and M. Vretenar , 2014
3. Studies on sampling and homogeneous dual readout calorimetry with meta-crystals
4. The Linear Collider Collaboration and the global ILC community, The International Linear Collider. A Global Project, 2019
5. Test beam results with LuAG fibers for next-generation calorimeters