1. Department of Chemistry
2. School of Science
3. Xi’an Jiaotong Univeristy
4. Xi’an 710049
5. China
6. Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Science
7. Key Laboratory of Organic Solid
8. Institute of Chemistry
9. Chinese Academy of Sciences
10. Beijing 100190
11. Center for Advanced Optoelectronic Functional Materials Research, and Key Laboratory of UV-Emitting Materials and Technology of Ministry of Education
12. Northeast Normal University
13. Changchun 130024
14. Department of Materials and Science Engineering
15. University of Washington
16. Seattle
17. USA
18. Tianjing Key Laboratory of Molecular Optoelectronic Sciences
19. Tianjing University and Collaborative Innovation Central of Chemical Science and Engineering
20. Tianjing 300072
21. School of Electronic and Information Engineering
22. City University of Hong Kong
23. Kowloon