Akash Hegde ,Sarayu Varada ,Srividya K.R ,Subbodh Satish ,Yashaswini N ,Dr. Sindhu Sree M ,Dr. Pavithra G ,Dr. T.C.Manjunath
In this paper, the design & development of a Nano Antenna for Energy Harvesting is presented in a nutshell. The ever-increasing demand for energy in today's world has compelled us to seek alternative energy sources. While photovoltaic devices are being researched and developed to improve their efficiency, they can only extract energy from the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Consequently, a new device called a Nano antenna has been developed that can convert thermal energy from the infrared region of the spectrum into electricity. In the near future, it is expected to contribute significantly to various fields, including space communication, broadband wireless links, wireless optical communication, mobile communication (5G), radar detection, and higher-order frequency applications. Nano antennas can be fabricated using different techniques such as electron beam lithography, focused ion beam, and nanoimprinting lithography. This paper focuses on the nanoimprinting lithography technique, as it is a cost-effective and high-throughput method. Additionally, the issue of material selection for nano antennas is a significant challenge, and the paper will discuss strategies for overcoming it. The work done & presented in this paper is the result of the mini-project work that has been done by the first sem engineering students of the college and as such there is little novelty in it and the references are being taken from various sources from the internet, the paper is being written by the students to test their writing skills in the starting of their engineering career and also to test the presentation skills during their mini-project presentation. The work done & presented in this paper is the report of the assignment / alternate assessment tool as a part and parcel of the academic assignment of the first year subject on nanotechnology & IoT.