Study Habits Of Secondary Students Of North 24 Parganas District: a Comparative Study Among Girls And Boy


Mrs. Dipika Nandi ORCID


The study was conducted to compare the study habits of secondary girls’ and boys’ students of North 24 Pargana district. The sample of 90girls’ and boys’ students of class 11th was selected from 10 + 2 schools of North 24 Parganas district. Tools for collecting data include study habit scale for 10th to 12th class students constructed and standardized by Dimple Rani and M.L. Jaidka (2015). The data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. From the present study it has been observed that there is significant difference of student’s study habit according to their gender (male and female). The finding of the study may be used in planning of many programs. Itmay help research for the study.


Mallikarjuna Infosys


General Medicine

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