A clinical study was carried out with the aim of clinical evaluation of effect of Uttara basti with Apamarga Kshara Taila in bilateral tubal block. Achievement of conception depends on the fertility capacity of both the male and female partner; male is directly responsible in around 30% of cases, female in 30% and both are respon- sible for 30% of cases, and in the remaining 10% of cases cause remains unexplained As per the FIGO manual, Tubal factors are causing infertility in around 30 to 40% cases. Tubal factors include tubal injury, blockage, or paratubal adhesions. In the existing modern system of medicine, there is no proper intervention available to clear the tubal block. This condition is dealt with ART or invasive procedures like tubal reconstructive surgery which are not accessible to majority of population. This article presents a successfully managed case of Bilateral Tubal Blockage by Uttara Basti in the form of a case study. Uttara Basti was planned for duration of 3 months. Post treatment HSG revealed patent bilateral tubes and after 4 months she got conceived.
Keywords: Uttara Basti, Apamarga kshara taila, HSG, ART, Tubal block
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
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