Sharma Durga Lal,Saini Shri Ram
Ethics is a collection of principles that govern proper behaviour. In Ayurveda, the concept of ethics is strongly related to the concept of Dharma. Many instructions on appropriate medical practice can be found in Ayurveda textbooks. Chatushpada describes the qualities of a good patient and a good physician. The Adhyayana Vidhi clarifies the process of medical education as well as the rules for establishing future practises. Other milestones include Sadvritta and Vaidya Vrutti, which are extensive sets of standards for professional ethical conduct. Ayur- vedic Acharyas also instruct physicians on how to communicate with patients. As Ayurveda is the oldest medical science, ethical codes in medicine have existed since the beginning. In the numerous Ayurvedic Samhitas, refer- ences to medical ethics were described, including the responsibility of a physician, ideal qualities of a physician,
surgeon qualities, medicinal dose (according to nature of individuals) and medicinal dosage for children, as well as specifics of post-mortem and anaesthetic. This paper enlightens the duties of a physician with Ayurvedic and modern perspectives.
Keywords: Ayurveda, Duties, Physician
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
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