Women are worshipped as Goddess due to their ability of bringing new life on earth. During reproductive period of women’s life there are varieties of ovarian cysts formation which leads to menstrual disturbance which might further lead to infertility. In recent years there is gradual rise in detection of ovarian cysts due to advance diagnostics. There is prevalence of 17 to 44% of ovarian cysts formation during reproductive phase. In this article, a case report regarding a patient of age 30 years having previous H/O bilateral choco-late cyst with both tubes thick with endometriosis and laparoscopic findings s/o impatiens tubes. For which patient had undergone laparoscopic aspiration. She was again diagnosed with recurrence of chocolate cyst by ultrasonography for that she came to my OPD for treatment. In Ayurveda it is stated that Shuddha yoni, Ambu, Beej and Kshetra are needed for Garbhadharan. Treatment plan was Shodhana, Uttar Basti with lekhandravyas and Shamanachikitsa. After 3 months of treatment regimen ultrasonography and hyster-osalpingography were repeated and reports revealed that previous mentioned left ovarian com-plex/haemorrhagic cyst is not seen, and tubes are patent. Hence, case study confirms that we can treat chocolate cyst with the help of Uttar Basti and Shamanachikitsa which acts as Lekhan and normalizes Vat-adosha and Raktadosha.
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
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