1. 1. A concise textbook of Surgery, by Somen Das, 9th Edition, Published by Dr. S. Das 13, Old Mayors Court, Kolkata – 700005 India, The biliary system – 37th chapter, Page no.879-880.
2. 2. https://en.m.wikipedia.org>wiki
3. 3. Rasa Tarangini by Vaidya Sadanand Sharma, Prasadini Vyakhya by Shree Haridatta shashtri, edited by Vaidya Kashinath shashtri, Published by Chaukamba Sanskrith Sansthan Varanasi, Reprint – 2000, 14th Chapter – Narikela Lavana Guna karma, Verse-349,350.
4. 4. SRB’S manual of surgery, by sriram bhat M, 6th edition, published by Jaypee brothers’ medical publishers(p) ltd, Gall bladder – 12th chapter, page no. 650-651
5. 5. Bailey and Loves, “the gall bladder and bile ducts”, short practice of surgery, 27th edition, Hodder Arnald publications, part 2, chapter 67 – gall bladder and bile ducts, Pg- 1201.