Teva Priyanka,Khode Minal,Chauhan Alka
Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a heterogeneous collection of signs and symptoms. When gathered together form
a spectrum of a disorder with a mild presentation in some, and a severe disturbance of reproductive, endocrine and
metabolic function in others. In present era drastic changes in lifestyle, food habits, environmental exposure to
toxins along with hereditary predisposition for metabolic syndrome and stress have contributed to the common
problem faced by today’s female population. In Ayurvedic text, ArtavaKshayacan be to some extent compared to
the symptoms explained under PCOS. PCOS maximum symptoms resemblePushpaghniJathaharini. PCOS occurs due to the vitiation of Vata and KaphaDosha as they do Margavarodha (obstruction) to ArtavavahaSrotas
(female reproductive micro channels) leading to absence of flow of Artava. Shatpushpa is Vata Kapha Shamak
and has FSH stimulant activity and Chandraprabha also Vata Kapha Shamak and Vatanulomak, it also corrects
all Dosha. KanchnarhasGranthibhedhan(anti tumour)activity, Kumaryasava is Bhutagnideepak (liver stimulant).
So, we had choose this drugs to normalize ApanaVata and destroy the Avarana (obstruction) of Kapha and correct H-P-O axis.
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
Reference21 articles.
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