S Dixit Anagha,Saraswathi M Soumya,P Subrahmanya
Dental caries is a chronic infectious condition caused by tooth-adherent cariogenic bacteria, primarily Streptococcus mutans. A common oral disease hinders achieving and maintaining oral health in all age groups. Because of
dental caries, teeth lose their strength and may form cavities if not controlled.
Ayurveda explains many Krimighna Dravyas, which will help provide a solution for all Krimija Vyadhis. Haramekhala is one of the ancient Ayurvedic texts written by Mahuka between the 6th and 11th centuries AD. This
book explains different formulations for the diseases of oral cavities in the form of Kavala, Gandoosha,
Dhoopana and Danta Dhavana. Chewing the roots of Gunja and Ashwagandha is mentioned in the text as an easy
remedy to cure Krimidanta, thereby reducing the pain.
Many preparations, like toothpaste, powders, dental gels, etc., are used for curing dental diseases and prevention.
Chewing the roots is not feasible for the patient and is not user-friendly. Hence, the formulation is modified into a
dental gel form and subjected to an analytical study for product standardisation. The results of the drug design and
product development and its analytical study are encouraging.
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
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